Friday, October 16, 2009

Today is the first day.....

Clearly we have neglected the blog. Almost surprised it is still on the web. We have a lot to catch you up on, so we will have to figure out how to do so without just doing on big core dump. Instead, I will try to dole it out over the next month or so. We are still in the middle of some of the changes, so it is difficult to discuss/publicize what is going on. Before long, hopefully we will have caught you up on the recent developments, and share our future plans with you.
We are also wrestling with whether to make this blog or our facebook page our primary means of communicating. We'll figure it out. It is good to have friends that are interested.

So.......what is the deal-e-o??

Much has changed in the past month- it seems as though the good lord is telling us to quit procrastinating and get on with our dreams and aspirations.

So we have ratcheted up the pace on getting the boat ready, the house is on the market, and we are having the mother of all garage sales this weekend. Hope to unload a lot of crap, and end up with a few bucks to show for it. Went through the kitchen today to purge cabinets and drawers. We took a "3 box approach." We had a small box for things that would go to the boat, a medium size box for things that we would send to storage, and a large box that would be carried to the garage and staged for the yard sale. It was interesting. I love getting rid of crap. I used to be a hoarder, but have done a 180. Carryn has never been a hoarder, but is a bit more clingy to some of the things. It's amazing the junk you keep around but never use. It feels good to toss it, better to actually merchandise it and get someone else to buy it from you.

We also cleaned out the pantry. We figured we would donlate a large box of foodstuffs to the food bank. Upon going through the canned and dry goods, it was clear that we haven't purged old food in a long time. We found canned stuff that expired in 2001!! That means it was expired when we lived in Houston, the packers packed it and moved it to Atlanta for us, we unpacked it and put it in the pantry, and then let it sit for another 5 years. Amazing. One of the 2001 cans was a can of Broccoli &Cheese soup. I figured we could scratch out the "BROC" and replace it with "E-". (E-Coli & Cheese) Nice, huh? In the end, there was very little to donate but much to throw out.

Well, we have our work cut out for us tomorrow morning. Have only a few hours to get everything moved out into the driveway, set up and priced before the rabid yard-sale-shoppers descend upon us. Hope the weather turns nice for us. Wish us luck. Papa needs a brand new life raft.


jackw said...

Glad your back on the sol-mate blog site. will be a great way to communicate.


SVSolMate said...

Thanks Jack, hope you can come and share in the adventure to "launch" SolMate!!!