Thursday, January 14, 2010

Still in Ft. Lauderdale

Yes, I believe that we are stuck in Ft. Lauderdale. We have been on such a roll over the past few weeks, that it seems odd to still be on the mooring ball in Lauderdale (1 week now). However, we've gotten many items accomplished and also decided it was a better place to do our final staging rather than Miami. Our plan is to head to Miami, Friday Jan 15th. This means a run on the outside due to a bridge on the ICW not having the proper clearance height for SolMate. Brandon has been checking the weather and if all remains the same, our biggest jump to date in the big pond to Bimini will be Saturday! I think we are both anxious and nervous. This will mean more changes for us being able to stay in contact via our cell phones. I am sure we will do a post prior to officially leaving the states.

Rented a CAR on Monday afternoon which we had for three days!! All of Brandon's traveling is paying off. How exciting it was to be mobile on land again, knocking out a ton of errands. I think Brandon may have forgotten how to drive. My bad, he truly never knew how to drive in the first place for those of us who ever had the pleasure of being a passenger in his vehicle....ALL gas or ALL brake (does whiplash or car sickness ring any bells?). Anywho, we did get a ton of stuff done. Mostly running to all of Brandon's favorite sailor shops...West Marine, Sailorman, River Marine and a few other places for various parts.

The task of off-loading our two bad batteries, getting them to West Marine, and replaced was a huge accomplishment. Sorry, sea gods, no batteries for you! We also went to US Dept of Homeland Security to obtain our customs re-entry back into the US. You can do this in advance which makes life much easier upon our return. One call that's all!! (I sound like a commercial now). Yes, there was a need for another run to Wally World and boy do I wish we had a camera for this about the "people" from WalMart.

Brandon is off with our friend Scott to visit River Marine, AGAIN. He found a two cycle dinghy motor he wants badly, brand new so we can both have our own dinghy. We have two dinghy's, one is a hard bottom and the other soft bottom. The hard bottom is much better to have in the Bahamas due to the coral reefs etc... the idea was to sell the soft bottom when we get to the Bahamas not keep it. I swear, some things never change. Oh well!

I will close on that note, because I could go on, no need. Hope everyone is having a good week we truly do love reading all the comments it makes us feel connected.

Take care for now-


Leblenk said...

Thinking of you and hoping your Miami trip went well yesterday. Today is Saturday so we are wondering if you are still making a big jump today??!!


Lynn said...

Ok so waiting to hear that you made to Miami. I am assuming since no news..the big jump has not happened today, i.e. Saturday. Carryn you look cute in front Homeland Security Flag. And of course B&B in front of Sailorman hilarious--could that dog adore you guys anymore. Tom was wondering if you had been using your hard dinghly because people at our docks had issues with how much weight they carried and stability. I am sure you salty dogs got the low down, and know way better than the wannabee landlubbers.

Guinney went to the Vet today; he' struggling with some kind of skin infection. Really odd. I am sure he'll be fine; we have some special medicated shampoo from the vet.

Talked to Meg she sounded great. Work last week was fine--just busy. We're having everyone over for dinner tomorrow--not sure what we will fix. Monday is a holiday for all of us.

Taylor's pig weighs something like 200 lbs. He loved the postcard you guys sent. It's cold and wet here yesterday and today.

We'll try to call you later.

Love, Lynn