Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Making progress

I will quit apologizing for the infrequency of our blog entries.

We have been busy, and making good progress. We did well with our garage sale, so had a few bucks to show for all the useless crap we got rid of. Have been at the boat quite a bit, getting the last big things installed.
Finished the SSB(single sideband radio) and the solar panels. Had to move the wind generator, so had a new pole mount fabricated for it. Got it back from the welder today and have been working on it in between the rainfalls.
Next is to fire up the carpentry skills to build some shelves and storage lockers.
Look forward to finishing the projects so we can get moving. If the weather doesn't slow us down too much, I hope to be done this week. Then we have to provision and store everything.
And then get going!!!

We'll post some pics in the next blog.

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