Friday, April 29, 2011

Late Feb-Early March...Culebra, Puerto Rico!!

What a couple of Months it has been! Yet again, I am searching for excuses as to why we fall so delinquent with such a simple task of keeping a proper log/pictures??  I have decided to catch up by starting off in small batches of dates and pictures. 

We spent at least 2-3 weeks at one of our favorite places in the Caribbean, Culebra, PR!  We have visited this place by plane at least three other times.  Always it was part of our dream to experience the island via our own boat.  I have to pinch myself sometimes to the reality of all of our dreams with cruising have and still are coming true (so blessed). 

Had a wonderful time sharing this experience with all of our buddy boats, Ultra, Sabbitcus and Dance Aweigh.  We all went to the famous Flamenco Beach, played hard in the waves body surfing.  Of course snorkling was top priority.  Unfortunately, most of the water surrounding the island is nature lobstas for SolMate (though Brandon saw several...poop).  We also got to celebrate Kevin's birthday aboard his boat Sabbitcus, such great company, food and libations!

JoAnne (Ultra), Connor and Dena (Sabbiticus)
looking out abandoned lighthouse on
 Here are some photos from our time in Culebra, as well as the little island South called Culebrita.

Resident of Culebra

View out window of abandoned lighthouse

On approach  to visit Culebrita.
Amazing snorkling to do on this

Best buddies Brandon and Bella going for a
snorkle in Culebrita!!

Lunch at Mamacita's cantina
in Culebra.

SolMate Crew out for a snorkle
in Culebrita

Kevin's birthday party aboard Sabbiticus. Ultra, Dance Aweigh,
Wild Hair and SolMate and Kevin's Dad from Canada (far left corner under light fixture)
all were there to celebrate!  Nice job Dena and thank you (she is center front birthday boy
Kevin directly behind her in back row).

Next up will be a blog for March in St Thomas, St John and BVI's.  We had an incredible time in Culebra and was looking forward to March.  Which included a visit from Carryn's Dad, Brandon's birthday party, BVI's and poor Bella Boo's terrible mishap with her broken leg!

I hope everyone had a fantastic Easter holiday and we hear the weather all over the states is gorgeous with Spring in full bloom.  Sure do miss the flowers and gardening.  Send us some pictures to enjoy of your yards and or Easter holiday!

Love to All -
Brandon, Carryn and Belly-boo
Aloha for now....


Unknown said...

Sounds like you all are holding up and keeping busy!!! Miss you all. We had a great Easter hanging out over at Lynns playing with the new puppies. They are too cute! Love ya,

Wanda Smith said...

Hey guys! We really love your adventures, and wish we could be there several times a week, lol. If you ever need some deckhands for a passage, Rod says we are available, lol. I love the pictures and am looking forward to some adventures of our own ...on the water.. one day. Hug Bella, and you guys keep up the good fun. We all live vicariously through you. So be good! Love from the crew on Dreamer's Ketch (Rod Wanda, Benji and Bella)